Pet Simulator 99 Chest Mimic, Superior, Boss and Lucky enchant comparison test

We now have a range of higher value items based limited enchants such as Chest Mimic, starting with the original Mini-chest mimic, the Boss Chest Mimic and the recently released Superior Chest Mimic, you can even add the Boss Lucky Block and Mini-chest fortune to the strongest item-farming builds, so I thought it was time to have a look at how each perform.

Test Setup:
To make these tests as fair as possible (without needing multiple new accounts) I used my trading account, which only has 54 slots open, no gamepasses and no item-based potions or enchants outside of the test enchants.
The only caveat is Mastery, but tests were done with Breakables at 40-49 (Which gives the first boost to Mini-chest frequency) and Superior Chest at 50-59, (again, gives the first “frequency” boost to Superior Chest Mimics, both of these masteries have been gained relatively quickly just getting to the last area and both increase the chance of the spawn by 5%. .
The most important thing is, No Super Drops gamepass and no treasure enchants or potions as these massively mask how effective the limited enchants actually are.

To keep breakables destroying at a decent rate, 2 Criticals VIII enchants where used, and the team of 54 was full of Shiny Huges. Each test was ran for a total of 10 minutes, and then all items traded to my main account to see the overall RAP value.

Test One: Mini Chest Mimic

Starting with the OG, the test produced lower than expected value, considering the Enchant costs about 1.8-1.9b. It’s usefulness for Mini-chest rank quests and increasing gains from higher mastery, help to outline it’s value, but alone, it’s pretty low returns.

Test 2: Mini Chest & Mini Chest Fortune

Our second test combined both the above Mini Chest Mimic, with the more recent Mini-Chest Fortune, the MCF enchant claims to “drop 2x better items” and from our 10 minute test, this was exactly what it offered, which shows using MCF alongside Chest Mimic is highly recommended, especially considering it’s low cost of under 20m.

Test 3: Boss Chest Mimic

Boss Chest Mimic, always seemed useful, but it’s respawn rate and time-to-kill puts a few people off, however with base gains close to (slightly above) a standard Chest Mimic, it’s incredibly good value at just over 208m. The downside is Mastery won’t improve Boss Chest right now, but it’s highly recommended to add one to your inventory becasue a Boss Chest Mastery could make it essential.

Test 4: Boss Lucky Block

Hot on the heels of the surprising results from the Boss Chest, Boss Lucky block arrives to dissapoint us, maybe it’s a one-off, maybe it’s had a few of those silent-nerfs that Big Games obviosuly never do, but with returns of less than 10k in item value it’s hard to justify using Boss Lucky block right now especially at it’s current value of 387m, more tests could improve the outlook considerably, but when Boss Chest is so much cheaper to pick up, I’d personally chose that every time.

Test 5: Superior Chest Mimic

Superior Chest Mimic produces the best single-item returns with value about 5% higher than Boss Chest and 8% more than the standard chest mimic, SCM is only beat by combining both Mini Chest and Mini Chest Fortune.

Like Mini Chest, Superior Chest is also helped considerably as the mastery level increases, with a total of 5x more loot and 50% increase in frequency, which makes it’s current RAP of 400-420m incredibly good value.

Mastery Possibilities
We could see more Mastery areas added, which might improve Boss chest and Boss Lucky block, because those two are some way behind Mini-Chest and Superiod Chest when you consider rank 99 of the Breakables (Mini-chest) and Superior Chest masteries.

Hitting rank 99 of these two Masteries will increase the frequency of CM/SCM by 50%, and increase total loot by 5x, We’ll disregard that a greater amount of loot might also increase the chance of rarer drops like Charm Stones, but if we start with our current tests,
Superior Chest Mimic returned 27.3k value with only frequency 1 (5% increase)

So this would essentially give a return of 195k value, in the same 10 minute period at rank 99.
While Mini-Chest is marginally lower using the same calculations, the combination of Mini Chest and Mini-Chest fortune would return an impressive 353k value every 10 minutes.

The potential returns of 2m in item value per hour, goes a long way to suggest why Chest Mimic is such a sought after Enchant, even if it does require two slots (Mini-Chest fortune) to really shine.
Meanwhile the 1.2m per hours return of SCM makes it even more inviting, espeically considering the money made when new items are added to the game.

Future Possibilities…
It’s hard to predict what could happen going forward, but considering the current power of Chest Mimic, when you take into account the Mastery and also Mini-Chest Fortune, it’s not unreasonable to expect that both Boss Chest and Boss Lucky block could possibly get a Mastery or a Mini-chest fortune enchant to accompany them, whih could increase their effectiveness.

But with the similarities between Chest Mimic and Superior Chest Mimic,
both having the same buffs through Mastery ranks, chest specific rank quests and very similar returns, I feel it’s quite likely we could see Mini-Chest fortune tweaked to effect Superior Chest Mimic, or a new “Superior Chest Fortune” which would make SCM (Like Chest Mimic) the enchant everyone wishes they had, but were sleeping when it was available.

It’s also worth noting item values are relatively low due to a couple of smaller updates, so as new items are added and their initial prices start high, there’s a lot more to be made from these enchants.


Boss Lucky block – Easily the biggest dissapointment of these tests, with a low value return due to once higher value items, now costing peanuts, there’s just not enough of a high-value item pool to make it worthwhile at the moment, especially considering its price of over 400m, this will need a considerably buff to make it worthwhile.

Boss Chest Mimic – Still surprises me that it’s the cheapest enchant tested at around 200m, but without a new Mastery to increase it’s effectiveness as well as a supporting enchant like MCF, Boss Chest is some way behind Chest Mimic and Superior Chest Mimic, especially when you consider it also requires a stronger team to break quickly.

Chest Mimic – Long regarded as the best enchant, you can understand why people still pay over 1.75b for a single enchant, on it’s own it seems to be just behind SCM now, but when combined with Mini-chest Fortune it’s amazing, expecially with Breakables Mastery 99, it’s downfall is the price, and to beat Superior Chest Mimic it would cost you almost 3.5-4b and 3 slots to have two CM and 1 MCF in your loadout..

Superior Chest Mimic – The new king of Limited enchants establishes itself as the best value by a mile. Slightly higher returns than CM with the same Mastery buffs and equally effective for rank quests.
Like CM and BCM, Superior Chest is also said to stack 200%, so for less than half the cost you could match or exceed a Chest Mimic with Mini-Chest fortune.

With Two Superior Chest Mimics, and Mastery 99, you’d be pushing close to 2.4m in item value per hour, which makes it’s current price of only 412m seem incredibly low when compared to Chest Mimic’s cost of over 1.75b.

Future Value –
I hate to try and guess how values might be effected in the future, but for transparency here’s how I see the coming weeks and months effecting each enchant…

Boss Lucky Block (now 387m)
BLB, already feels overvalued, so I don’t imagine that is likely to increase without new masteries, a supporting enchant or a considerable buff, Inflation might help it hold price, but it could see a slight drop.

Boss Chest Mimic (now 208m)
BCM feels cheap in comparison to BLB, I would have expected Boss Lucky to fall to 250-300, with Boss Chest closer to 400m and while it could increase towards that mark, it would need it’s own mastery, supporting enchant or a buff to make it considerably more expensive in the long run.

Chest Mimic (now 1.76b)
Well established and already expensive, the arrival of Superior Chest has curbed enthusiasm for CM a little, but that has balanced nicely with inflation, it’s rarity and the arrival of Mini-Chest fortune, as we’re unlikely to see any major changes to it, I expet it’ll sit close to it’s current value.

Superior Chest Mimic (now 400m)
Still available to buy for Robux, so many expect its value will increase considerably when it’s no longer on sale, the question is how much…
There’s no doubt it could easily double in price, but considering all the similarities to Chest Mimic and it’s current great value, I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if SCM is the next enchant to break 1b.

Test Winner: Superior Chest Mimic

There’s no question it’s a two horse race between Chest Mimic and Superior Chest Mimic, but the deciding factor is the overall value and bang for your buck,
Compared to a normal Chest Mimic, Superior Chest provides more than twice the value and also has the prospect of a supporting enchant like MCF making it even better in the future.

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